Online Income Solution Reviews – Legit or Scam?

online-income-solutionOnline Income Solution is a new website that claims to teach people how to make money from home. On their website,, they state that “all you need is basic typing skills and internet access to start your own successful online business.”

The website features several popular media logos yet they clarify in their disclaimer that there’s absolutely no form of affiliation or endorsement between these major companies and Online Income Solutions.

After you fill out your preliminary info you will be taken to the official sign-up page. There’s not much information about what the program is actually about but from their list of partners and pictures of their customers’ success accounts it appears to be an internet marketing training course.

Their initial package is sold for $19.97 which covers the cost of the tutorials only. When starting an internet marketing business there are additional costs for services that you need to set up if you really want a successful business.


Finally they claim to offer a 60 day money back guarantee, albeit with some serious caveats…
Before requesting a refund the following conditions must be met:

1. You must have given the Online Income Solution an honest try a minimum of 2 weeks.
2. This will give you enough time to put our systems into place and to start to see results.
3. You must have contacted our customer support team for assistance if you do not feel the program is working for you.

It is unclear what “giving the system a try” actually involves and how many additional upgrades or services you’ll have to sign up for before you meet that requirement.

In addition, most make money online programs are sold through the ClickBank payment processor which offers a no questions asked money back guarantee. The fact that Online Income Solution is using a different payment processor suggests that getting a refund may not be that easy.

If you need to contact the company you can reach them by email at or at their main office:

iNet Squared Ltd
Lace Market House
United Kingdom
+44 115 933 8310

If you’re at because you’re looking for a way to make money online then check out our article “7 Ways to Make Money Online” – methods that anyone can use to earn an income from home.

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